government programs for mortgage rate reduction

September 04, 2010|Sam Mamudi, MarketWatch

Chase Mortgage Rate Reduction Program kinda rocks!
Background: I was 2+ years into a 15-year fixed mortgage at 5.625% with Chase already. Quite happy with . Government must be paying them refi cost. Bankers . The program is called the "Chase Rate Reduction Program".

Who will be helped by federal mortgage plan?
The federal government's Hope for Homeowners plan started Oct. 1, and a . Under the mortgage relief programs, some people will get reduced interest rates, either . Some will get a combination of reduced rate and loan forgiveness.

How to Use Government Programs to Help Reduce Your Mortgage ...
Mortgage lenders are not required to follow any government-mandated . Inquire about streamline refinances, or an Interest Rate Reduction Refinance Loan, .

About the FHA Streamline Rate Reduction Program | Home Guides ...
The FHA streamline rate reduction program is a option for homeowners with . FHA streamline rate reduction allows FHA-insured mortgage holders to apply for a lower . FHA loans are home mortgages insured under government programs .

Government Interest Rate Reduction Programs |
There are three government programs that help mortgage borrowers reduce their interest rates: the Veteran's Administration (VA) Interest Rate Reduction .

Government Programs for Home Mortgage Reduction |
Government Programs for Home Mortgage Reduction. The rising foreclosure rates and the decreasing values of homes across the U.S. have caused the .

Help for homeowners | The White House
Feb 18, 2009 . Through the program, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will allow the refinancing of . Borrowers whose mortgage interest rates are much higher than the current market rate should see an immediate reduction in their payments. . I heard the government was providing a financial incentive to borrowers. Is that .

Not for everyone

Mortgage Rate Reduction Program | Attorney | Los Angeles CA
Mortgage Rate Reduction Program Los Angeles California. . Banks and Lenders have been told by the government they need to modify these loans, but very .

Making Home Affordable
Making Home Affordable An official program of the Departments of the Treasury . variety of programs that aid in mortgage modifications, interest rate reductions, .

Do any of these government mortgage relief programs work?
Apr 21, 2009 . Jim said since he mortgage was owned by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, Jim and his wife, Lynn, were eligible for an interest rate reduction.

New Program May Reduce Mortgage Principal for Underwater ...
Sep 21, 2010 . The government recently launched a program for underwater homeowners that doesn't just lower interest rate or extend mortgages, but actually .

VA Refinance Loans: Home Equity Loans and VA Streamline ...
The VA has created a program called the Streamline Refinance to provide a . An Interest Rate Reduction Loan or Streamline Refinance allows you to . "No Cost" Streamlines let you refinance your mortgage with no out-of-pocket expenses. . specializing in VA financing and is not a government agency, including the VA.

MarketWatch Articles
By using this site, you agree to the government programs for student loans and commercial mortgage tax
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Obama's Mortgage Relief Plan Is Immediately Attacked By The Right ...
Feb 2, 2012 . Obama Announces Mortgage Relief Plan To Deal With "Massive" Housing Problem . a shot at record low rates though a new government program, for an . Rehabilitating Neighborhoods and Reducing Foreclosures: In .

IRRRL Facts for Veterans - Home Loan Links
Mar 19, 2010 . IRRRL stands for Interest Rate Reduction Refinancing Loan. . rate mortgage ( ARM) to a fixed rate, it must result in a lower interest rate. When .

Mortgage Plan Gives Billions to Homeowners, But With Some ...
Feb 9, 2012 . Bucks Blog: Are You Eligible for Mortgage Settlement? . their mortgage debts reduced or their loans refinanced at a lower interest rate. . through existing government programs as well as principal reductions — when loan .

and their current financial

Mortgage Reduction Programs | Home Guides | SF Gate
If you're struggling to make your mortgage loan payment each month, you can seek help from the federal government's mortgage loan reduction programs. . these payments: They can reduce the interest rate attached to homeowners' loans or .

Reducing Your Mortgage Interest Rate - Malibu, CA Patch
Feb 6, 2012 . Reducing Your Mortgage Interest Rate . Featured on this website are governmental programs that allow borrowers to reduce their interest .